No one wants to be in a position where they have to think about cardiac treatment options. A heart attack is life-threatening and even the possibility of one can be scary. However, it shouldn't take suffering a heart attack to get you to start thinking about your cardiac health. If you know you're at risk for heart problems, you can start getting treatment long before you suffer a cardiac event. There are also a range of treatment options if you have already begun to suffer heart problems.
Here are just a few cardiac treatment options you can consider to address your heart health:
Lifestyle Issues
You can improve your heart health and lower your risk of issues by making lifestyle changes. Some of these lifestyle changes include eating a better diet, exercising, and quitting your unhealthy habits. If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you may also be able to take medications that can lower both and reduce your risk of heart problems.
Non-Invasive Procedures
If your heart problems cannot be treated by making lifestyle changes, there are non-invasive cardiac treatment options that do not involve surgery.. For example, cardiac catheterization involves your doctor inserting a thread into your heart valves and arteries to take a look inside. Should any problems be discovered, such as blockages, stenting can be performed to open the vessel. A stent is a wire mesh that can hold open the artery or blood vessel to prevent plaque from blocking it.
Angioplasty works similarly to stenting, but it uses a tiny balloon to hold open the artery or blood vessel. Brachytherapy can remove scar tissue, and coronary atherectomy can remove hardened plaque.
A combination of treatments may be used, depending on the circumstances of your health and what outcome is needed.
Surgical Options
In advanced cases, surgery may be necessary. Heart surgery carries a number of risks. Therefore, it is usually reserved as a last option for the most serious and life-threatening cases. A common surgery used to treat cardiac problems is a bypass. In this surgery, a graft is created around blocked arteries, helping to divert blood flow. Individual vessels and valves can also be repaired or replaced in surgery, which may be appropriate for vessels or valves that are blocked or damaged.
Devices can also be implanted to help promote the proper functioning of the heart. A left ventricular assist device, or LVAD, can help to circulate blood if the heart has become weakened. A pacemaker can help to control the electrical currents in the heart.
As with non-invasive treatment options, you may need a combination of surgical procedures to treat your specific case. Your doctor may also recommend a combination of non-invasive and surgical options to achieve the desired outcome.
Understanding your cardiac treatment options can help you have a more informed conversation with your doctor so that you can be an active participant in your own health care. Learn more about these and other heart treatments and talk to your doctor about the options that are best for you.