Kayaking can be a satisfying hobby which can take away your stress and make you feel lighter. When you are starting out something, there's a natural tendency to be impatient. But patience and proper planning can make the activity enjoyable and worth the wait.
So, if you got a new kayak or have been bitten by the kayaking bug and are planning to go out on the water, here are some basic beginner tips to keep in mind. Following these tips will definitely make kayaking much more fun.
Make sure you have a mentor with you
For those initial trips when your excitement is at a high, always have a mentor or guide with you. Having a mentor will make sure you do it the right way plus you will also get a confidence boost once you start to get the things right.
Also sometimes the waters have varied amount of current. A mentor is utmost in those situations as you will know firsthand how to tackle those.
Always do a Warm-up & Cool down exercise.
Before starting any sport, be it football, badminton, tennis etc. people always do a basic warm-up exercise. This is done to prepare your body for the incoming action.
For kayaking, do basic stretching exercises before going out so that you don't find yourself in pain after that first energetic paddle trip.
Also once you are done kayaking, you should again do those stretches that you did before paddling.
Definitely wear life vests
Don't be a merman / mermaid and do wear a life jacket always while kayaking. It only takes a while to getting used to. Also real life heroes always wear life jackets. Have a look at some of the rescue operations and you will see.
Without a life jacket,you won't be able to keep yourself for long in case you get tipped over and are quite some distance from the shore.
If you are in a cold weather, life jackets help keep your body warm.
Do a Weather Check
It is always good to check the local weather conditions before heading out to the open waters. Rough weather conditions can make kayaking less enjoyable if you are just starting out. Also a weather check can save you from expected extreme fast currents.
Learn Basics of paddling
Well if you are just starting out, its important that you know how to paddle correctly and efficiently. Try out a basic rafting session with a local rafting tour guy. It will help you get the fundamentals right. You will also know basic positions and how to tackle mild currents. Additionally, it will add more excitement to the already growing desire to go out kayaking. Armed with the basics you will be more confident the next time you plan that kayaking trip.
Carry some communication device
Always carry a cell phone (or a satellite phone in case you got one) for those emergency situations. You never know but being prepared beforehand is the best way to go about it.
These are just some basic things that will allow you to have a good as well as a safe kayaking trip.